On Thursday, March 19th, Olivia turned 1 year old. It is absolutely amazing how fast this year has gone. Long gone are the days where she just laid on her blanket and whimpered & coo'd. At one year old, she has been walking since 10 1/2 months and last week started running around the house. She is sheer joy and full of spunk and life. She climbs on chairs, stools and small tables. If we turn away from her for more than 2.5 seconds, she is either climbing up the stairs without us knowing, running around the table or learning how to balance on a stool.
Olivia is a fan of chocolate cupcakes
The characteristic smile she gets when she gets on her stool and balances on her own. She is not content to just sit on a stool/chair...she wants to stand on top of it.
Two happy cousins who enjoy their picture being taken.
Olivia and Ezra playing their form of American Gladiator.
We had lunch with Mark and Amy Baker this weekend and here is a picture of Claire and Olivia with me.
That little girl sounds suspiciously like Joy's stories of a young Heidi... :)
happy birthday olivia! many blessings on your adventurous little personality! :)
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