Saturday, June 16, 2007

Destruction and Construction

We bought and moved into our next door neighbor's house in the last part of May, but before we could move over, we had to do some serious remodeling of the bathroom. Though the previous owners cared for the home very well, water did penetrate the bathroom walls and mold grew and spread and reaked havoc. Below are some pictures of the process we went through. The pictures show part of the process, but there was many days of work and many many people who helped so much. Thank you all who were able to help!!!
This is what it looked like before we ripped into can't see the mold that is growing freely behind the wall!
A few friends, Mark, Mike and Reuben, came over and helped us rip everything out! We could not have finished this project without everyone's help. Whoever that fool in the blue shirt is, he is a fool for not wearing a mask like the other guys. Actually, they just put those on to get a picture to make our wives happy.

For those with questions...the black color near the bottom of the picture...bad! Mold! We fixed it though.
The finished product, complete with bathroom fan, new tiling, new everything except sink, toilet, and tub.

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