Sunday, February 28, 2010

Our growin' girl

Yeah for some smiles. She always smiles right after her feeding as if to say, "Thanks for doing that mom."

She looks a little like she just woke up suddenly

Mommy with her big girl

It's hard to believe that Camille is almost 6 weeks old now. She's really staring to smile and watch what is going on around her. It's funny because the pediatrician advised cutting down on the amount of stimulus she gets in the later hours because she gets colicky and I thought, "Hmmmm, now what could that stimulus be? Perhaps her brother and sister who like to touch her and yell constantly around her. " I don't think anyone could sleep around the amount of noise and laughing those two little people make. ;) Anyhow, these are some pictures of how big Camille is getting. She's now well over 9 lbs and her hair always sticks constantly up in the back. Too fun!

1 comment:

Kate said...

She is adorable! I can't believe all her dark hair! I was impressed w/how much hair Matilda had when she was born and how long she kept it, now it's almost all gone. I wonder if Camille will keep hers! :)