Sunday, July 12, 2009

Family 'Vacation' and more news...(Heidi is pregnant)

It has been too long since we posted, but we were suprised by the Lord a few weeks ago to find out that Heidi is pregnant! We were very shocked at first, but equally excited and in awe of God's plans and His workings. We talked to our adoption agency and they told us that we are going to indeed have to put the adoption on hold until after the birth of the baby. We were initially discouraged that our adoption from Ethiopia is going to have to go on hold, but we know the Lord is infinitely wise and His ways are always best. Below are some pictures from some of our time spent up at Loon Lake with extended family. Papa Greenup was able to rent a cabin and was gracious enough extend to us the opportunity to join them up at the lake.
Heidi's due date is: January 20th (or somewhere close to that date).


Courtney said...

HOORAY! (I totally called it.) :D We are very excited for you, although we hope that the adoption stuff goes through quickly when the time is right.

Brett Lizzi Ethan Seth Josiah said...

Congratulations you guys! That's so great. Super excited for you :o)!!!

Frances said...

Congratulations, Heidi! Sending up a prayer for a safe and healthy pregnancy. :)