Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter Updates

Ezra loves Papa Watzky's hat
Caption:"You talking ta me?"
You'd think as a mom, I'd think twice about putting a baby in white clothes and then wear white myself.

Ezra was so excited he got to wear new clothes. Thanks Nana 'watzky" for the Easter outfits!

Olivia loves hats and found Nana's at her home after church.

This is Ezra with his cousins Jackson, Andrew, and Ethan. They got all snazzed up for Cousin Anna's wedding in Boise.

Olivia liked wearing her dress too

So another update for the adoption: We just about have all the paperwork done. We're waiting for our notaries to be authenticated by the Secretary of State and then we are sending the Dossier, along with a big fat check, to our adoption agency. We are leaping out in faith and trusting that God will provide for our everyday needs. Thanks to all of you who've been praying. We can really tell and we've already seen glimpses of God's provision for us. We have sent two grant applications in so we'll just wait to hear back from them and we have yet to do two more in the next couple of weeks. For anyone who wants to give towards the adoption, you'll be able to get a tax deduction when you send it to 'Lifesong. ' If you have questions, just ask. Thanks again and we covet your prayers in the days to come.

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