Sunday, August 17, 2008

One year ago...

Today is an anniversary of sorts for Heidi and I. It was 1 year ago today, that by God's graciousness, Ezra Abera Greenup, was placed in our arms to love & care for as our son. As we look back over the course of this last year, we are humbled by how God has provided a huge measure of grace to our family. We love Ezra with all our heart and are so thankful he is in our family. It is hard to believe that it has only been 12 months since we were in Ethiopia picking him up.
Much has happened over the course of this last year, the biggest change being the arrival of his sister Olivia in March of this year. We don't know what the Lord has in store for us next, but we look forward to see how He will lead us.
Heidi and I looked through our pictures of our trip to Ethiopia as a reminder of that long week in Ethiopia a year ago, but in the end we are so humbled by God's goodness in our lives. We want to be faithful parents who live out the Gospel and point our children to the centrality of the Cross of Christ on a daily basis.
We also look back and have many thanks for so many people who prayed for us and financially helped us in this adoption process.
If any of you are considering adopting a child or children, we would wholeheartedly encourage you to take that step of faith and extend your life, family and home to one or more of the 143 million + orphans in the world. Adopting a child or children has many countless trials, but our Risen Savior provides the necessary faith and endurance to trust Him through it all.
A family picture
He hasn't worn that pink sleeper since he has been with us.
Learning to play and use his nuk

Ezra's first finger food meal


Lisa J. said...

Yes! I first visited some time back because I saw you adopted from Ethiopia and named your son Ezra - we did the same thing. I keep coming back because of things like... "We want to be faithful parents who live out the Gospel and point our children to the centrality of the Cross of Christ on a daily basis." Amen.

Thanks for this post!

Andie said...

hey you guys! i hear you may be coming to Mpls??
we'll be at all the Sat. sessions. I hope we can go out to lunch! bring julie and nick, too... hee hee. and the kopps while you're at it....

Anonymous said...

Hey Heidi & Dustin,
How are you?
Brayden & I are coming to Spokane from 10/6-12/26 because I'm doing some rotations through the U of W at Sacred Heart & Deaconess.
I was wondering if you knew anyone who would want to put us up during that time? We looked into ExtendedStay and it is way too expensive and no apartments will rent to us because it is short-term. We have also been trying sublets but nothing is coming up. Anyone need a housesitter by chance? Or have a room to "lend" to us?!
HELP! Please ask around for us and let me know. Thank you in advance!!

Kate (Dingfield) Kirk

Anonymous said...

Hey guys- thanks for getting back to me. Staying with someone is fine- we have a little dog but she just sleeps all day and is quiet. Please email me at if you find someone. THANKS!! Kate