Thursday, May 29, 2008

Spokane Falls on Memorial Day

The 'thickness' of that water next to the concrete ledge is about 7 to 8 feet tall...a lot of water coming down every second.

Daddy: 'Ezra, shall we go swimming?'
Ezra: No words needed


pkb said...

Hello! I "found" your blog this morning and have really enjoyed reading bits and pieces.

I appreciate your conservativism... and think your babies are GORGEOUS! :)

Brett Lizzi Ethan Seth Josiah said...

Aren't the falls incredible?! We went down there a couple times and just really enjoyed walking around and crossing the bridges...great picture of Ezra, too! : )

SIX Thirys said...

Thanks for sharing these pictures of the Falls! It makes me a bit homesick! I can't wait to meet your babies in person in July!