Last Sunday- Still getting over colds picked up on vacation
Monday- Found Olivia in crib time sucking on the blind string that pulls the drapes up. Noticed a metal piece missing from the tassle and haven't found it since. (I've checked every poopy diaper since and still no sign)
Tuesday- Olivia fell off Ezra's bed head-first. Thankfully, no broken bones. . . . yet.
Wednesday- Had to call poison control because I found Olivia feasting on a tub of Vasaline. Thankfully it's not poisonous, just causes vomiting or diarrhea because it's so greasy.
Thursday- Olivia fell down 3 stairs and ripped the gum part between her two front teeth. Lots of gushing blood:( Poor thing!
Friday- Fell off the tricycle at nanna's house today. Found by mom on her back still clinging to the bike handles up-side-down with bike on top.
Needless to say I'm I little worried about what will happen tomorrow, much less in the next 5 years. But if she makes it alive that long and perhaps without a broken bone, I'll be pleasantly surpised and know she must have a guardian angel. (Did I mention that her mom had 3 broken arms by the time she was ten?)
Please Lord, protect this family